In everyday life, seemingly minor symptoms such as insomnia, depressed mood, reduced ability to work, anxiety, sweating, fatigue, shaking hands and tearing can all be signs of serious illness. It is therefore advisable to seek specialist advice in good time to determine the cause of your complaints and to remedy them.
Within a day, you can obtain a complete picture of your health within 2-3 hours and receive advice for further improvement if necessary. All examinations and consultations are carried out within the framework of a specially developed health examination program with highly qualified physicians in modern facilities, which have access to the latest treatment methods and techniques.
The following medical services are included in the health examination program:
- Blood analysis – includes blood count, major biochemical tests, including cholesterol and its fractions; Vitamin D levels in the blood, whether – markers, urine tests
- ultrasonography of abdominal organs
- Thyroid ultrasound
- ECG (electrocardiogram)
- gynecologist / urologist consultation
- gynecological ultrasound (for women)
- ophthalmologist consultation
- internist (therapist) consultation
- consultation with a neurologist
- dopplerography of head and neck blood vessels
The price of all examinations and consultations without additional examinations is only EUR 346.9 (for men) and EUR 354.7 (for women)!
To apply, call: +371 28644633